The Be-Boring Experiment


Ok frankly at times i get so bored with exciting stuff that i want to give a shot to the boring. This should be a fun…i mean boring experiment i hope!!

A diary of explorations


I have been in a creative slump recently. I have been procrastinating by watching endless hours of sitcoms, browsing articles on my unending RSS feed and lurking around on Facebook. In one of my marathon reading sessions, I stumbled up on this article – Q&A with Austin Kleon, artist and author, ‘Show Your Work!’. In his book Steal Like An Artist, Austin talks about the value of being boring. He said, that the principle of “Being Boring” was inspired by a quote by Gustave Falkland –

Be regular and orderly in your life so you can be violent and original in your work.

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Designing for Experiences in Education @Barcamp Bangalore 2014


Barcamp Bangalore is an open event focused around people, ideas and collaboration. It is an Unconference with quite an interesting execution. I took this as a chance to look back at what i had been doing in Education through Design and wanted to summarize my learnings.
The talk has images and videos involved which are not part of the slideshow. I have included one video for slide 12 about the innovation workshop.

Innovation Workshop – Leap Motion Video
Leap @ Innovation Workshop



This is one of the pedagogical experiment as a part of which we [ BrainSTARS ] are guiding a group of 4 final year IT students for the final project. This is to help bridge the gap that college education and the work involved in the real life jobs have.

I urge anyone reading to go through their blog atleast once. It will be great to see some discussion happening.

Link – TechCrusaders

Design for Education


I am itching to write about this from so long. I don’t find myself ready yet. But what i will try is to write a very short account of things and stuff going on currently.

Designing for a very specific field like education seems very interesting. I have spent around 10 months doing this and i seem to like it.

The work involves coming up with quite a lot of new ideas. The in-house culture gives a lot of focus on research and has started to accept design as a valued counterpart. It’s different from working for Tinkerable where i used to spend a lot of time with children due to which the actual work on concept took a backseat at certain times. We are experimenting alot on new ideas which makes everyday quite interesting and unique.

I hopefully will write more and will update the blog more frequently. It’s been quite a while since i wrote about something i was working on which i frankly miss.

Fingers crossed!! Hoping for a good blogging season..


Portfolio 2011


The portfolio below was created for all the work i did while in my college. This still does not contain any UX work which hopefully i will accumulate in a presentable form in near future.



A small experiment or rather musing on understanding and associating certain mundane or for that matter interesting objects to umm.. stuff.


Tinkerable – for we work to play


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